Budget will do little to help less well-off children in our schools

A new report highlighting the impact of poverty on a child’s performance in school is further proof that the Government got its priorities badly wrong in last week’s budget, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s education spokesperson, said: “The ‘Children’s School Lives’ study, which looked at 4,000 students […]

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New figures expose the truth of Government’s disability budget

Disability services were shamefully neglected by the Government in Budget 2025, according to a breakdown of figures provided to Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, who is the party’s spokesperson on disability, said: “Every year we go through the same farce of this Government announcing a high-level figure for investment in disability services. This […]

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ESRI analysis of budget highlights Government’s failure to tackle poverty

An analysis of Budget 2025 by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) provides further evidence that the Government have prioritised electoral gain over lifting vulnerable groups out of poverty, according to Social Democrats finance spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Despite the headline grabbing short-term measures announced on Tuesday, the ESRI has warned that poverty among the […]

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Budget 2025 is a giveaway on steroids

Today’s budget is a giveaway on steroids that is bad for the public and bad for the State, according to Social Democrats finance spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Budget 2025 has just one overriding purpose – self-preservation of the Government parties. “It bears all the hallmarks of a Bertie Budget – hardly surprising when you consider that […]

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Government’s tokenistic stamp duty increase gives investment funds the green light to bulk buy homes

A derisory 5 per cent increase in stamp duty on bulk purchases will continue to facilitate investment funds snapping up homes at the expense of first-time buyers, according to Social Democrats housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Budget 2025 was a golden opportunity to begin the radical change that is needed to fix the housing crisis. Instead, […]

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Social Democrats launch Alternative Budget 2025

The Social Democrats have launched their Alternative Budget 2025 – titled ‘Building Services, Building Communities’ – which focuses on investment in public services to drive down the cost of living, targets support at those who need it most and prioritises children and families. Investing in affordable housing; creating a public model of childcare; increasing parent’s […]

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Increased expenditure in Budget 2025 will be undermined by lack of future workforce planning

The €6.9bn in additional expenditure outlined in today’s Summer Economic Statement must be underpinned by proper workforce planning for future needs, according to Social Democrats finance spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “Problems highlighted in the Summer Economic Statement are mostly the result of consistent failures by Government to invest in critical infrastructure and lack of planning for […]

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