Government must support Northside Community Forum initiative in Coolock

The Irish Government must support the Northside Community Forum Initiative and engage with the community in Coolock, according to Cian O’Callaghan TD. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the Social Democrats’ TD for Dublin Bay North, said: “Coolock is a great place with terrific sports clubs, organisations and people. It is a welcoming, friendly and very warm […]

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Soc Dems introduce Dáil motion on Government’s disastrous handling of asylum seeker accommodation

The Government’s disastrous handling of the international protection accommodation crisis will come under increased scrutiny when a Social Democrats’ motion is debated in the Dáil next week (Thursday, March 21). Deputy Jennifer Whitmore, the party’s spokesperson on integration, said: “In recent weeks, we have seen growing numbers of international protection applicants forced to sleep in […]

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