DPP must review leniency of sentence in Limerick assault case

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns has expressed disgust and outrage at the fully suspended sentence handed down to a serving member of the Defence Forces who viciously beat a young woman unconscious in Limerick. “People around the country are shocked and angered by the leniency of the three-year suspended sentence that Cathal Crotty received, despite […]

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Multi-layered response to knife crime is needed

A multi-layered response is required to tackle knife crime across the country, according to Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy. Deputy Murphy, who is the party’s spokesperson on justice, said: “Figures supplied to me through a parliamentary question give rise to serious concerns. “According to the Department of Justice, more than 18,000 knives have been seized […]

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Minister must outline long-term policing plan for Dublin city

The Minister for Justice must immediately outline her long-term policing plan for Dublin now that the garda overtime budget for the city has been exhausted, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “The €10 million in garda overtime announced for the capital last summer was always going to […]

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Gannon expresses solidarity with workers as thousands gather to denounce violence

Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has expressed his solidarity with the thousands of workers who gathered on O’Connell Street today to denounce the scenes of violent disorder witnessed during last week’s city centre riots. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “Those who participated in today’s peaceful demonstration at the GPO encapsulate the true spirit […]

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Gannon expresses no confidence in Garda Commissioner

Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has expressed no confidence in Garda Commissioner Drew Harris following last night’s unprecedented level of rioting in Dublin city centre. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “The scenes of near anarchy in our capital city last night have no place in any civilised democracy. “Last night’s shocking events are […]

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High visibility policing would be more effective than extra bank holiday penalty points

A Government proposal to increase penalty points for motorists on bank holiday weekends should not be a substitute for high visibility policing and enhanced enforcement of road traffic legislation, according to Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy. Deputy Murphy, who is the party’s spokesperson on justice, said: “In response to the worrying rise in road deaths […]

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Reliance on garda overtime has left Dublin city centre exposed

The impending withdrawal of voluntary overtime by gardaí next month underscores the fragility and inadequacy of the Minister for Justice’s policing plan for Dublin city centre, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “Following media reports of a spate of vicious assaults in Dublin during the summer, Minister […]

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New safety plan for Dublin completely lacks substance

Absence of a defined budget for rehashed proposals is concerning  A new safety plan announced today by the Minister for Justice to tackle street crime in Dublin completely lacks substance and is full of rehashed proposals, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is a TD for Dublin Central, said: “While it […]

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