Russian Ambassador Must Be Expelled

At the European Council meeting today, the Taoiseach should propose that Russian ambassadors across the region are expelled en masse The Russian invasion of Ukraine is unprecedented, unprovoked and perverse, according to Social Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “What we are witnessing is unprecedented in Europe in our lifetimes –  a full-scale assault and […]

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Minister Must Clarify When Extra Refuge Spaces Will Be Delivered

This shameful lack of spaces means an average of eight women are turned away from refuges every day in Ireland The government must immediately act on its belated commitment to significantly increase the number of refuge spaces, according to Social Democrats Social Justice Spokesperson Holly Cairns. “In an interview with Morning Ireland this morning, Justice […]

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‘Working From Home’ Bill An Employers’ Charter

The refusal grounds are so all encompassing, they make a mockery of the stated purpose of the legislation. The government’s working from home Bill is an employers’ charter which only serves to undermine the right to work from home, according to Social Democrats Enterprise Spokesperson Catherine Murphy. “I was concerned, before the legislation was published, […]

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Transport Supports For Disabled People Now Non-Existent

It is a shocking indictment of the State’s treatment of disabled people that three transport support schemes are effectively closed Personal transport supports for people with disabilities are now virtually non-existent, according to Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns. Deputy Cairns, a member of the Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters, said: “Today it was reported that […]

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It Is Now Impossible To Register Births and Deaths In Many Areas

Solution urgently required as this is seriously impacting people’s ability to access Child Benefit, PPS numbers, passports and GP cards It is now almost impossible to register a birth or a death in many areas of the country, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. “For weeks now, I have been highlighting the fact that […]

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Free Antigen Testing Required to Suppress Virus

The building is on fire. We need to act now to put it out – not stand around and debate the cost of fire extinguishers. The government’s failure to include the early learning and childcare sector in its plans for antigen testing is indicative of its lax approach to antigen testing generally, according to Social […]

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State’s Staunch Defence of Religious Oaths Surprising and Disappointing

Deputy Shortall will be bringing forward a Bill proposing a referendum to remove the requirement to make religious oaths from the Constitution The full-throated defence by the State of mandatory religious oaths in the Constitution is both surprising and deeply disappointing, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall. Deputy Shortall was an applicant in proceedings […]

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The Social Democrats’ Alternative Budget Would Deliver Real Change

The forthcoming budget is an opportunity to prove we have learned the lessons of the Covid-19 and invest in public services, where deficiencies were so exposed during the pandemic, according to Social Democrats co-leaders Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy. Our main priorities include: 10,000 affordable and cost-rental homes 10,000 social homes A new affordable model […]

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National Development Plan Is A Back-Of-The-Envelope Wish List

What is the point in releasing a National Development Plan without conducting a screening exercise in advance The National Development Plan is nothing more than a back-of-the-envelope wish list, according to Social Democrats Finance Spokesperson Róisín Shortall. “The government made history today – the first time an administration has announced a National Development Plan and […]

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