Meet Aishling

I’m Aishling Silke, the Social Democrats Councillor for Artane Whitehall.

I live in Artane Beaumont and work in Dublin City University as a lecturer in Early Childhood Education, specialising in advocacy, leadership and social studies.

I have spent over 15 years advocating for high quality, affordable and accessible childcare along with fair pay and conditions for those who work directly with the children in the settings. I campaign strongly to have Care, and Carers working in the community valued by the government. I work on ensuring the voice of people in the community is heard at local and national government levels.

I am a person who gets the job done with energy, passion and enthusiasm. Thank you for putting your trust in me to represent you and the issues that matter to you in local government.

I believe every community should have access to local services including, housing, childcare, home care, community health care, community spaces and education. I actively campaign to highlight how provision of these services creates thriving communities.

Aishling’s Priorities

  • Improving services for those who require care and for those who provide it.
  • Promoting wider consultation with community groups on matter that are important and impact them.
  • Creating more safe recreational areas and attractive shared spaces to bring communities together.
  • Improving pedestrian infrastructure through maintenance of paths, tree management and lighting.
  • Supporting a stronger sense of identity and belonging within communities by strengthening and growing local community groups.

Get in touch

087 490 4008

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