Meet Pat

I’m Pat Balfe, the Social Democrats Councillor for Kildare.

I live in Monasterevin with my wife and daughter. I am a strong, passionate and active voice for the communities I represent.

I have significant experience supporting young people and families through my 15 years of involvement with Monasterevin Youth Action and the In Sync Youth and Family Service. My 35 years of service with the Defence Forces will bring inside knowledge and understanding to support members both serving and retired.

My experience includes:

  • 35 years of exemplary service with The Irish Defence Forces
  • 15 years as a volunteer youth worker in The Curragh Camp, Monasterevin and Kildare Town
  • Chairperson of In Sync Youth and Family Services Board of Directors & 15 years as a Director
  • Current Chairperson & founding member of Monasterevin Youth Action
  • Founding member of Monasterevin Youth Club
  • PPN Representative on the Kildare Joint Policing Committee
  • PPN Representative on the KCC Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)
  • Manager of The Hive Youth Hub in Kildare Town

I believe in helping families meet their full potential. This means I will be fighting for you on issues like affordable housing, childcare provision and investing in our children’s futures through education. I am able, willing and ready to represent you and our communities for a fairer and more equal society.

Pat’s Priorities

  • Ensuring all children reach their potential through investment in education and youth services in general, particularly mental health.
  • Fighting for the provision of affordable housing in our areas.
  • Supporting both serving and retired members of our Defence Forces.
  • Advocating for investment in public transport infrastructure with an emphasis on sustainable modes of transport.
  • Breaking down barriers and fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can participate, contribute, and thrive.

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