Local Election Manifesto – Accessible Version

Local Election Manifesto 2024 City and County Councils contribute to wellbeing in their communities in many ways, most visibly by designing, creating and sustaining the environments in which people live, work, do business, and socialise. The facilities and services they provide play critical roles in local wellbeing. This June 7th, the people of Ireland have […]

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Local Election Manifesto 2024

Local Election Manifesto 2024 City and County Councils contribute to wellbeing in their communities in many ways, most visibly by designing, creating and sustaining the environments in which people live, work, do business, and socialise. The facilities and services they provide play critical roles in local wellbeing. This June 7th, the people of Ireland have […]

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European Manifesto 2024

European Manifesto 2024 EU membership and shared European values are central to our national interests and provide Ireland with a platform to actively promote our foreign policy objectives within a European bloc of friendly nations. The European Parliament has long been an important part of Irish democracy. As we seek solutions to the climate catastrophe, […]

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Clean Air

Clean Air Air pollution is caused by the contamination of air by particles, vapors and gases that are harmful to public health and the climate. The World Health Organisation has highlighted air pollution as a major threat to all people. To ensure good air quality, strong government action must be taken to protect our environment […]

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Cycling Ireland is far behind much of Europe in terms of cycling infrastructure and approach. The Social Democrats recognise that cycling is a major transport area that can contribute hugely to society. Whilst there has been a recent Government effort to improve active travel infrastructure, progress has been slow and has not been sufficiently ambitious. […]

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Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs In government, we will promote abroad our values of an inclusive, fair and just society with dignity, respect and equality for all citizens, which defines who we are as both a nation and a people. A culture that promotes human rights and respect for international law is strongly embedded in Ireland. Through our […]

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Drug Reform

Drug Reform The work of various Citizens’ Assemblies in recent years has had an important role in helping change the narrative around a number of issues where this type of moral judgement has been at the foundation of policy, and we hope this Assembly will do similarly. The document below is the Social Democrats’ submission […]

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Biodiversity Biodiversity loss is one of the biggest challenges that Ireland faces. This is not a crisis that has just come upon us, but has been years in the making. For far too long, we have relied on the false narrative that Ireland as a green country, is also an environmentally friendly one. We must […]

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Community Banking

Community Banking There has never been a greater need and demand for full-service community banking in Ireland. Many people would rather bank with publicly-owned, or community owned, institutions. Across the country, households and small businesses are finding it difficult to secure loans, including for mortgages and business investment. Improved access to finance will be vital […]

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Arts & Culture

Arts and Culture Every person in Ireland has a right to participate in arts and culture in their everyday life. The Social Democrats believe that arts and culture underpin our overall wellbeing and creativity, our innovation, and our social cohesion. Ireland has a very diverse artistic and creative ecosystem, which delivers huge cultural and economic […]

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