Holly Cairns TD, Social Democrats spokesperson for Rural and Community Development, welcomes the Department of Rural and Community Development’s COVID-19 Stability Fund for community and voluntary organisations, charities, and social enterprises. She encourages organisations to apply for the support immediately as there is a very tight turnaround.

Holly explains:

“Community and voluntary organisations have been hit by the current emergency just like commercial businesses, with a marked drop off in income from fundraising and trade. At the same time these groups and associations have done incredible work in supporting vulnerable people and frontline workers across Ireland.”

“While I welcome the scheme to help charities, voluntary organisations, and social enterprises who need help in the COVID-19 emergency, it does highlight that an effective community sector shouldn’t be relying on public fundraising. The state abdicates its responsibilities to properly fund disadvantaged communities knowing that the kindness of people will provide the required income. Too often voluntary organisations are dependent on government funding that can change from year to year, or even quarter to quarter. The Social Democrats have sought transparent three-year multi-annual funding as for community and voluntary organisations.

“Also it should be noted that groups and enterprises have a very limited amount of time to apply – submissions must be in by Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 5pm. At a time when these organisations and volunteers are over-stretched it is unfortunate there is such a short window to apply. It is essential we spread to word to ensure all eligible groups get the funding”

Full details are available on the Pobal website: https://www.pobal.ie/programmes/covid-19-cv-stability-scheme/

13th May 2020

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