Statement by Holly Cairns TD on Accusations Made by the Israeli Ambassador against the Social Democrats

“I strongly reject accusations of discrimination made by the Israeli ambassador against the Social Democrats. “If the Ambassador had contacted the party before making her remarks, she would have been told that Ms Degani was deselected after a number of failed attempts to resolve issues. Those efforts extended to hiring an external mediator as well […]

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Diverse Range of Expert Guests To Join Social Democrats’ Summer School

The Summer School provides a timely opportunity to discuss the challenges we collectively face and the solutions we can offer A diverse range of expert and interesting guests, discussing some of the biggest challenges we face as a society, will join the Social Democrats’ Summer School this weekend. On the programme, organised by The Left […]

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We are Five

We are five! It has been an extraordinary first five years. We now have 24 SocDems public representatives and a party full of members with ambition, passion and a huge appetite to build on very strong foundations, all committed to bringing real social democracy to Ireland. We have contested Local, European, By-Elections, a General Election […]

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