Holly Cairns TD

“I strongly reject accusations of discrimination made by the Israeli ambassador against the Social Democrats.

“If the Ambassador had contacted the party before making her remarks, she would have been told that Ms Degani was deselected after a number of failed attempts to resolve issues. Those efforts extended to hiring an external mediator as well as an internal review by our National Executive. There was nothing discriminatory, or unfair, about the process.

“It’s clear that the Israeli ambassador has made this scurrilous and false allegation to deflect from the bigger, and much more important, issue of the more than 34,000 people now killed in Gaza by the Israeli government. Included in this number are more than 14,000 dead children.

“It is outrageous that the Israeli ambassador remains a diplomat in this country, continuing to act as an apologist for war crimes being inflicted on an innocent and captive population in Gaza.

“The Social Democrats have a very clear and strong position on the genocide in Gaza. There must be an immediate ceasefire; the hostages must be returned; there must be accountability for war crimes; and there must be economic and diplomatic sanctions on Israel.

“The Social Democrats remain absolutely committed to standing with the people of Gaza. We vehemently oppose the genocide, torture and famine being inflicted on them by an apartheid and ruthless occupying state.”

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