Social Democrats TD and Spokesperson on Children, Jennifer Whitmore, has said it is a matter of extreme urgency that Government and relevant stakeholders meet to discuss the insurance implications for childcare providers who are considering participating in the proposed scheme for the provision of childcare to healthcare workers.

She said information released today points out that insurers are claiming that the heightened risk of Covid -19 exposure will require an exclusion clause and thus will not fully cover childcare facilities who participate in the scheme. Meanwhile Government continue to claim that they are not in a position to provide State Indemnity to cover facilities.

Jennifer Whitmore TD said:

“This scheme has been bandied about for quite some time now without there being any significant progress. It is vital that this becomes a matter of urgency. Many healthcare workers and their families are caught in an awful catch-22 trying to do trojan work on the frontline whilst managing their childcare needs at home. This news today that insurers will possibly present a problem for childcare facilities when we do finally reach the phase of the roadmap where they can open to children of healthcare workers is extremely worrying and must be addressed urgently.

“I am calling on Government to immediately sit down and work this through with the insurance industry in order to ensure that the facilities are ready and waiting when we reach that phase of the exit roadmap.”

7th May 2020

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