Social Democrats councillor for Rathfarnham-Templeogue, Carly Bailey, has called on the Government to commit to additional funding for organisations providing emergency accommodation and support services for victims of domestic abuse.

Cllr Bailey said:

“While the Government has recognised the heightened risks to women and children since the Covid-19 crisis began, it has failed to match its concerns with the extra funding and resources required by those working in the sector.

“For months we have been told to stay at home to remain safe – yet for those women and children living under the constant threat of domestic violence and abuse, home can be the most dangerous place for them to be.

“Safe Ireland, the national agency for domestic violence, have painted a very worrying picture in their report, ‘Tracking the Shadow Pandemic’, which covers the March-August period of this year. During this time, nearly 2,000 women and 400 children received help from a domestic abuse organisation every month.

“In Dublin 24, Saoirse’s Outreach and Prevention Services responded to 521 families with 974 children under the age of 18. In one month alone, it had 25 women and 28 children in its refuge and its helpline dealt with 1,132 calls.

“Saoirse will be contacting all politicians in Dublin South West to outline the challenges its services are facing and will make a strong case for the need for additional State funding. I fully support them in this regard and echo their calls for clarity on the issue from the Government.”

November 10, 2020

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