Cian O'Callaghan TD

Focus needs to shift to the delivery of social, affordable purchase and cost-rental homes

Figures published by the Central Statistics Office showing a contraction in residential building activity for the third quarter of this year is further proof that the Government’s housing plan is not working, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said:

“The CSO’s Production in Building and Construction Index, covering July to September, shows a 16.2 percent drop in residential building, as well as a 2.8 percent reduction in non-residential activity, compared to the second quarter of this year.

“Yet again, we are seeing key metrics for housing delivery going in the wrong direction, despite Government claims that their housing plan is working.

“The CSO’s latest figures do not bode well for housing commencements in 2023 and further highlight the need for the Government to shift its focus to the delivery of social and affordable homes.

“Of the 9,000 direct build social homes promised for 2022, just 1,765 were completed in the first six months of the year. Not a single social home was built by any of Dublin’s four local authorities during the same period.

“Today’s figures are further proof that the Government needs to go back to the drawing board on its Housing for All plan and commit to building 20,000 public homes – a mix of cost-rental, social and affordable purchase – every year.”

December 2, 2022

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