While this government excels at climate rhetoric, it fails miserably at climate action

Today’s EPA report, which reveals our carbon emissions are going up instead of down, must act as a wakeup call for the government, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore.

“Today’s EPA report confirms that our carbon emissions are going up, not down. Last year, our emissions rose by 4.7pc – almost the exact the figure they were supposed to decrease by.

“Emissions rose in energy due to increased use of coal and oil for electricity generation. They were also up in transport and agriculture.

“The carbon budget for the period 2021 to 2025 aimed to reduce emissions by 4.8% on average annually, with reductions ramping up to 8.3% annually in later years to 2030. We are nowhere near meeting even that reduced target – meaning, cuts to emissions will now have to be even deeper.

“There is little prospect of that happening. While this government excels at climate rhetoric, it fails miserably at climate action. The continued wrangling at the heart of the cabinet over the sectoral emissions target is just the latest evidence of that.

“If the government cannot even agree the blindingly obvious – that agriculture will have to reduce emissions by 30pc by 2030 – what hope does it have of credibly convincing anyone it is serious about climate action.

“This EPA report must act as a wakeup call to this government, which is sleepwalking us into a disaster.

“It is time for this government to act and outline the steps it will take to ensure our emissions go down, not up. Industries across the economy, including agriculture, must be supported as they make this vital transition.”

21 July, 2022


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