Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns says she is disappointed at the failure of the Taoiseach to acknowledge the easing of maternity hospital restrictions in his announcement on reopening the country.

Holly said:

“After months of uncertainty, the HSE has finally confirmed a uniform, nationwide approach to the easing of restrictions at maternity hospitals. It emerged today that the partners of pregnant women can now be present for the 20-week scan, during labour and to visit a baby in neo-natal care.

“While this announcement from the HSE is welcome, I believe that partners should be allowed to attend for all scans, particularly in cases where there are complications in the pregnancy or any concerns. Expectant mothers also need clarification on whether partners or accompanying persons will be allowed to be with them for all of labour or just for active labour.

“The phased easing of restrictions announced this evening will bring a sense of cautious optimism to struggling businesses and the hospitality sector. However, it is unfortunate that, yet again, the Taoiseach has failed to acknowledge the stress and anxiety endured by prospective parents over the past year.”

April 29, 2021

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