Cian O'Callaghan TD

On every metric, the housing crisis is getting worse

The latest Housing for All progress report shows only 16 of the 30 Housing for All actions promised for Q2 2022 were completed.

Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan said:

“The Government has failed to deliver almost half of its promised actions in the Housing for All plan for the second quarter of this year. There is a glaring absence of urgency in the Government’s approach.

“On every metric, the housing crisis is getting worse. Homelessness is about to hit a record high; house prices are at unsustainable Celtic Tiger levels and the rates of homeownership are collapsing – all while the Government dithers and delays.

“The Government is constantly referencing Housing for All as their answer to the housing crisis. Yet the Government is only doing half of what it promised in the Housing for All plan. 47% of the actions due to be complete by now have pushed back to the end of the year or beyond.

“Some of the key actions not delivered include more funding for the Residential Tenancies Board, a new model of healthcare for people who are homeless and the retrofit 2,400 social homes.

“If the Government cannot even deliver on these very modest actions, how can it possibly expect to turn the tide on rising homelessness, unaffordable rents and rising house prices?”

14 July, 2022


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