Cian O'Callaghan TD

The Government’s disastrous handling of housing has resulted in house prices increasing by nearly 40 per cent since it took office, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s housing spokesperson, said:

“According to the latest figures published by, asking prices for homes across the country rose by 3.1 per cent between July and September. This brings the typical listed price for a property to €344,848.

“Since this Government took office, house prices are up a staggering 37 per cent, which is simply not sustainable.

“A chronic shortage of affordable housing has resulted in record breaking house prices and is pitting buyers against each other, as well as billion-dollar vulture funds and the State.

“This is the reality of the Government’s efforts to tackle the housing crisis – policies that have resulted in runaway house prices, runaway rents, record homelessness and more than 500,000 adults living in their childhood bedrooms.

“The Social Democrats will soon be launching our comprehensive affordable housing plan. Central to our fully-costed proposals will be increasing the capacity of the not-for-profit sector to build tens of thousands of affordable purchase homes on public land.

“Thirteen years of Fine Gael-led governments have turned a housing crisis into a disaster. The generation locked out of homeownership desperately need, and deserve, a new approach.”

September 30, 2024

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