Cian O'Callaghan TD

Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan has welcomed the verdicts delivered today by the jury in the inquests into the 1981 Stardust tragedy.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is a TD for Dublin Bay North, said:

“Today’s unlawful killing verdict in the case of each of the 48 victims is a watershed moment in the Stardust families’ decades-long search for the truth. For 43 years, relatives of those who died have been seeking answers as to how – and why – their loved ones were so cruelly taken from them.

“This tight-knit northside Dublin community still bears the scars of that horrific night. Despite their unimaginable loss and pain, the Stardust families and survivors faced countless obstacles and have been forced to fight every step of the way in their quest for justice.

“There have been many false dawns and setbacks over the years. However, a direction by the Attorney General in 2019 that new inquests be held into the 48 deaths marked a major turning point for Stardust campaigners and have brought us to where we are today.

“The conclusion of these inquests, the longest ever held in this country, is the result of the extraordinary tenacity of the Stardust relatives and their unwavering commitment to vindicating the rights of those who died.

“While today’s unlawful death verdicts will not take from the families’ enduring sense of loss, the jury’s conclusions will hopefully bring them some comfort.

“I would also like to acknowledge the role of coroner Dr Myra Cullinane, who conducted the inquests in a professional, respectful and sensitive manner.”

April 18, 2024

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