Cian O'Callaghan TD

Emergency response by Government needed to tackle crisis

The latest homelessness figures underline the need for an extension of the eviction ban, along with other measures to protect tenants, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan.

Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said:

“There are now 11,754 people living in homeless emergency accommodation – the highest number on record. Of these, 3,431 are children, a 48 percent rise on last year.

“According to the Residential Tenancies Board, there were 2,273 households due to be evicted before the ban was introduced in October.

“The Government has no choice but to extend the ban, otherwise there will be a flood of evictions when it is lifted at the end of March. This must form part of emergency measures needed to get to grips with the crisis.”

Deputy O’Callaghan believes the Government must:

• Ramp up tenant in-situ purchases
• Support councils in making Compulsory Purchase Orders on empty buildings
• Introduce Compulsory Rental Orders
• Increase the delivery of affordable, cost-rental and social housing

“Ultimately, stop/start temporary eviction bans are not the way forward as they do nothing to address the underlying insecurity faced by renters,” Deputy O’Callaghan added.

“In most European countries, you cannot be evicted because your landlord wants to cash in on soaring property prices. If a property is sold, the tenants remain in their home. We need to fundamentally change how we treat renters and ensure that real security of tenure is guaranteed.

“Nobody who pays their rent on time should live in constant fear of homelessness.”

February 24, 2023

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