I’m Jen Cummins, the Social Democrats Councillor for Dublin South West Inner City.
I have lived in the Liberties for more than 20 years with my husband and four children. I have spent all of my career working with young at-risk people and their families, supporting them to reach their potential.
I was on the Board of Educate Together for 8 years, the last 5 as Chairperson, and have sat on many boards of management, as well as company and charity boards. I lecture in Ethical Education at DCU and am currently completing my Doctorate of Education.
I am passionate about all areas of education and have spent much of my life working for an education system that is inclusive and accessible to children and young people, and appropriate to their needs.
I want to see free education from early childhood education all the way through to third level.
I joined the Social Democrats to work for a society that is equitable and fair, through the development of communities.