Cian O'Callaghan TD

Ending homelessness should be a political priority, but it has fallen off the government’s agenda

The government must urgently respond to the huge rise in homelessness over the past year, according to the Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan.

“The number of people who are homeless has increased by a staggering 24pc over the last year. Month after month, we have witnessed this alarming increase. There are now more than 10,000 people who are homeless, including almost 3,000 children.

“Ending homelessness should be a political priority, but it has fallen off the government’s agenda. This must change. The government must now take urgent action to prevent more people from becoming homeless.

“An obvious place to start is to abolish no-fault evictions. We know that people who lose their accommodation in the private rental sector, through no fault of their own, are at a high risk of homelessness right now. The Housing Assistance Payment must also be reviewed. With rapidly rising rents, the current limits are too low.

“Ultimately, we need to see a step-change in the delivery of affordable, social and cost-rental homes. That is the only long-term way this crisis can be solved.”

27 May, 2022


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