Róisin Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats and spokesperson on Finance, has expressed concerns at today’s announcement by Bank of Ireland of 1,400 job losses.

Deputy Shortall said:

“Even though redundancies in the banking sector had been anticipated, the scale of the job losses proposed is staggering and will see staff numbers reduced from 10,400 to 9,000.

“While my immediate sympathies lie with banking staff and their families, I am also concerned at the timing of the announcement which comes in the middle of a global pandemic.

“This feels like a hasty decision by Bank of Ireland and I would urge management to fully engage with banking unions to ensure that redundancies are kept to a minimum.

“Such a major reduction in staffing levels is bound to lead to further local branch closures throughout the country. This will have major implications for Bank of Ireland’s customers who have already experienced an erosion of services, not only during Covid-19, but over recent years.”

August 5, 2020

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