Prominent human rights advocate Sinéad Gibney has been formally selected as the Social Democrats’ Dublin candidate in the 2024 European Elections.

Sinéad has a distinguished background in human rights, equality advocacy and leadership in business and the public sector. Her career has spanned roles with Google, Trinity College and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), where until recently she held the role of Chief Commissioner.

Speaking after the selection convention in the Morrison Hotel in Dublin this evening (Thursday, March 7), Sinéad said:

“All of us who live and work here know that Dublin needs to change. That is why I am running for election to the European Parliament. I believe I am the person – and that the Social Democrats are the party – to make that change happen.

“I love Dublin and I’m passionate about making it an equal city, where decent housing, decent work and a decent society are within the reach of everyone – not just the very few.

“As a committed human rights activist – and as a lone parent – I am conscious that we now need a new approach, where the State is there for its people; where politics is honest; and where policies really deliver for our capital’s citizens.

“Throughout my career, my enduring focus has been on equality and championing the rights of those who need support most. If elected as an MEP, I will work tirelessly on behalf of all Dubliners to deliver change – change you can trust.”

Welcoming Sinéad’s selection, Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns said:

“I am delighted to have a candidate of Sinéad’s calibre running for the Social Democrats in Dublin. She would be an incredible representative and a great asset to the city in the European Parliament.

“Now more than ever, it is essential for Ireland to elect candidates like Sinéad in Europe. She is somebody who will stand up for peace, for disability rights, for workers’ rights and for making Dublin a place where people can afford to call home.

“The halls of the European Parliament can often seem very far away to people in Ireland. However, the decisions made there directly impact our daily lives in many areas, from housing and public transport to maternity leave and climate action.

“We have also seen how decisions in Europe affect the people of Gaza, Ukraine and migrants packed into boats in the Mediterranean Sea, desperate to reach safety.

“Sinéad has a strong track record of fighting for the most vulnerable people in our society. I have no doubt that she will continue that fight in Europe.”

March 7, 2024

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