The Social Democrats today launched their campaigns for next month’s Local and European Elections.

For the first time, the party will be running candidates in all three constituencies for the European Elections – Sinéad Gibney (Dublin), Rory Hearne (Midlands-North-West) and Susan Doyle (Ireland South).

The Social Democrats are also contesting the Limerick Mayoral election with Cllr Elisa O’Donovan standing for the party in that historic election.

In total, there are 77 candidates – 39 women and 38 men – standing for the Social Democrats in the local elections, many of them in Local Electoral Areas (LEAs) and counties never previously contested by the party.

Speaking at today’s launch in Dublin, the Social Democrats’ Director of Elections, Cian O’Callaghan TD, said:

“At a local level, our single biggest priority is to improve the delivery of key public services, which drive equality, promote sustainability and raise living standards for everyone in our communities.

“County and city councils play a crucial role in building sustainable communities. Our election manifesto sets out how our party’s councillors will approach local authority services and projects over the next five years, in areas such as housing, service delivery, youth, disability and the environment.”

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns said:

“Next month’s elections are taking place at time of growth for the Social Democrats. I am delighted that, between both elections – locals and European – voters will now have a Social Democrats candidate on the ballot paper in every county in the country.

“We are looking forward to having a voice in Europe and adding to our existing team of 22 hardworking councillors.

“I believe that people around the country are tired of the same old ways of doing politics and are ready for change. We want to be part of that change by seeing as many Social Democrats candidates as possible elected to local authorities and the European Parliament on June 7.”

May 15, 2024

Local Elections 2024 manifesto here

European Elections 2024 manifesto here

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