The Social Democrats are pleased to announce that businesswoman Tracey Carey has been selected to contest the next general election for the party in the Dublin Fingal constituency.

Tracey is the fourth woman candidate selected by the SocDems this week, joining 16 other candidates selected to date to contest the next general election for the party.

Tracey lives in Malahide and manages employee benefits for a multi-national technology company.

Speaking after her selection convention last night, Tracey said:

“I’m very proud to be selected to stand for the Social Democrats at the next Dáil election. I’m excited at the prospect of promoting the party’s economic vision for a progressive and equal society and a strong economy with good quality public services, supports for indigenous and small businesses, and transparent government that puts the public interest first.

“As last weekend’s referendum results show, Irish voters are ready for a change – but many have not found a political party that they trust. For me, the SocDems’ long-term vision for a more equal society is realistic and sustainable – and I look forward to bringing that message to the doorsteps in Fingal.”

The party’s co-leader Róisín Shortall TD welcomed Tracey to the party.

“With her background in industry and business, Tracey brings a fresh perspective to the issues that are important to voters. She brings a very rich and varied life experience and I am confident she will be a highly committed public representative for the people of Dublin Fingal.

“Tracey’s selection last night caps off a wonderful week for the Social Democrats, with four new women candidates being selected in the Dublin area – bringing our total number of general election candidates to date to 20.

“We are delighted at the boost in volunteers and members following the successful Repeal campaign, in which people from the SocDems across country played such an active role. We want to offer our vision of change to voters in the majority of constituencies in the next general election and will continue to expand our slate in the coming months to do so.”


1 June 2018

Notes to Editors:

Tracey Carey lives in Malahide where she grew up and went to school. Tracey manages employee benefits for the Nordic, French and UK offices of a multi-national technology company.

In the past she has worked in television production, ran a small family business, and spent ten years living on a boat sailing around the world.

Tracey has a professional interest in employment rights and is passionate about supports for working parents, including affordable childcare. She is also a strong advocate for quality mental health services.

Tracey studied English and Film in UCD. She also has a Masters’ degree in Business and Management specialising in HR.

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