The co-leader of the Social Democrats has said she finds it staggering that Minister Regina Doherty and her Department reject the findings of the Data Protection Commissioner’s report into the Public Service Card and will refuse to comply with the recommendations of the report.

Speaking following the publication of the report and the Minister’s appearance on radio this evening, Catherine Murphy TD said the office of the DPC is now severely undermined and that has major political and potentially economic implications.

“The DPC performs a vital regulatory function and to have a situation where the Minister is explicitly saying that the DPC is incorrect on a matter of such serious importance in relation to the management and retention of citizen’s data raises the most serious of questions regarding the continued role of the DPC and its relationship with government. The Minister appears to be goading the DPC into issuing enforcement proceedings and that is indicative of how fractured this important relationship now is.

“Given Ireland’s reputation as a hub for the global tech sector and the data implications that come with that, it is vitally important that Ireland has a robust regulatory system with an office of Data Protection that is beyond reproach. In a scenario where the government is now openly questioning the ability of the office of the DPC it is clear that there will be serious questions regarding Ireland’s watchdog and regulatory functions when it comes to data protection issues.”


17th Sept 2019

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