Dublin North West TD and co-leader of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall, has welcomed the inclusion of Finglas as the preferred route for the Luas Green Line extension but has questioned the 10-year timeline for delivery of the project.

The proposed route will link the Green Line between Broombridge and Charlestown, with additional stops at St Helena’s, Mellowes Park and Finglas Village.

Deputy Shortall said:

“For far too long, Finglas has been underserved by public transport. The extension of the Green Line presents a real opportunity to address years of neglect and can serve as a catalyst for the regeneration of the area.

“However, I am concerned at the projected delivery date of 2030 for the project and believe that, with political will, it could be delivered in seven years. The fact that the route will largely run through green spaces and avoid residential areas should mean it can be built more quickly.

“While I welcome this proposal, real consideration must be given to extending the route from Charlestown to Ballymun as this would link the Luas with Metrolink and Dublin Airport. Not to do so would be a missed opportunity and would continue our poor tradition of short-sighted public transport planning.”

Deputy Shortall added: “This vital piece of infrastructure is long overdue and I hope there won’t be any false starts. I would urge local people to engage with the consultation process which got underway today and runs until September 17.”

July 28, 2020

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