Meet Chris

Chris Heinhold is the Social Democrats councillor for Bantry on Cork County Council having recently replaced the excellent Ross O’Connell.

Chris and his partner made the move from Cork city back to his partner’s hometown of Bantry 5 years ago, when their eldest son was 6 months old. They now have two small boys, with a third on the way. As busy working parents, they are concerned with the issues which affect us all, both in rural community but also across the country; housing, youth supports, childcare costs, and health care accessibility. Chris and his partner are living and renting in Durrus, and have recently faced the real prospect of having to leave the area due to the ongoing housing crisis.

As a self-employed, owner/operator of two restaurants in Bantry town, Chris is deeply committed to ensuring his community thrives. He wants Bantry LEA to be an area that people want to, and are able to, live in.

He has spent the past two decades listening to people over the bar counter, and wants to be a voice for local issues that affects the community. Chris is also an employer, with 20 staff across a wide age range working alongside him at his bar and restaurant.

Chris wants to represent your voice on Cork County Council. If you have any issues or concerns, please contact him for a chat to work them out together.

I joined the Social Democrats to help build a fairer society. I want to work on a local, community level to improve housing, youth supports, childcare costs, and health care accessibility.

Chris’s Priorities

  • Affordable and accessible housing as a priority.
  • Focus on supporting Bantry Hospital and the implementation of Sláintecare.
  • Youth and Family supports, along with mental health supports in our community.
  • Ensuring the protection of Bantry marine environment and support local small fisheries.

Get in touch

083 428 6024

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Help us fight for a more equal and progressive Ireland
