Meet Ellen

I’m Ellen O’Doherty, the Social Democrats Local Election Candidate for Dublin North Inner City.

Originally from Kerry, I have lived in Dublin for 10 years, and have made my home in the North Inner City since 2018.

In that time I have experienced the very best that the vibrant communities here have to offer and I am passionate about amplifying the voices and addressing the concerns of our community.

I have worked in the public health sector since 2018 with a focus on training the appropriate number of doctors to meet our healthcare needs. For the past two years, I’ve researched policy efforts to retain Irish trained doctors in our health system. Witnessing underfunded services grappling with lengthy waiting lists has been an eye-opener. I care deeply about the timely and adequate provision of primary care services across the healthcare system. Through this work I understand the need for investment in services and how systemic issues cannot be solved by quick fixes and superficial efforts.

As a renter who lives in insecure housing I understand the anxiety that is gripping people who are struggling to get by. We all deserve to have a roof over our heads and feel secure. I have been appalled by the level of dereliction and vacancy across Dublin as historic buildings fall into ruin and housing is hoarded.

I hold a deep commitment to the elderly members of our community who are experiencing growing isolation in a city they’ve called home throughout their entire lives.

I will be prioritising our quality of life, and will work to ensure that residents have access to the services and amenities they need and deserve.

I am a public servant, a renter and a resident of this city who cares deeply about the issues affecting us all. I am passionate about amplifying the voices and addressing the concerns of our community and want to be part of their solutions.

Ellen’s Priorities

  • A halt to dereliction and the hoarding of vacant properties during a housing crisis.
  • Accessible primary care services including early intervention youth mental health and addiction supports.
  • Adequate physical amenities including streetlights, waste management, parks and benches.
  • Combating isolation of older people through the expansion of services including renovation grants and day services.
  • Expansion of adult education resources, apprenticeship and social enterprise opportunities.

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